Hapag-Lloyd informs about a terminal change.
We would like to inform you about the terminal change at Rotterdam for the Asia – Europe Loop 6 service.
This change will become effective as follows:
Ulsan Express voyage 008W50, arrival at Rotterdam January 21, 2016 will discharge all cargo at the current Loop 6 terminal ECT Delta Terminal / DDE.
She will then proceed to RWG Rotterdam World Gateway terminal for loading operations.
Terminal details:
RWG Rotterdam World Gateway
Amoerweg 50
3199 KD Maasvlakte Rotterdam
As from Basle Express voyage 014W51 onwards, arrival Rotterdam January 23, 2016, all Loop 6 vessels will discharge and load at RWG Rotterdam World Gateway terminal.
Port rotation:
Fuzhou • Kaohsiung • Xiamen • Nansha • Shekou • Hong Kong • Singapore • Colombo • Southampton • Antwerp • Hamburg • Rotterdam • Jebel Ali • Shekou • Fuzhou
Source: Hapag-Lloyd customer advisory